Minggu, 19 Mei 2013

17th Children's Drawing Contest

17th “This is my Mexico” Children's Drawing Contest
“Wings of Mexico …bringing borders together”

On April 2013, IME, the Institute for Mexicans Abroad, celebrates its 10th anniversary. For this reason, during the whole year there will be all kinds of important events.

Regarding our prestigious Children´s Drawing Contest, this year and for the first time, a world famous Mexican artist will support the contest as its mentor.  Jorge Marín, a great Mexican painter and sculptor whose work is recognized around the world, has graciously accepted to stand behind this year´s edition of the contest.

With his exhibit “Wings of Mexico”, Marín   aims to unite all the borders of the world. With this idea in mind, we have chosen Uniendo fronteras (bringing borders together) as the theme for this year’s edition of our Children’s Drawing Contest.    We consider this theme a great opportunity to go beyond the limits of our own self, our own body. Imagination and creativity become a wonderful possibility to help us make all our wishes come true, achieve all our goals, and go as far as our fantasy so desires.

If you are between 7 and 11 years old, you can be part of this 17th “Este es mi México” Children’s Drawing Contest. Through art in form of a drawing, children from all around the world, express what Mexico means to them. In this year’s edition, we ask you to show us how you relate with Mexico and its history, its culture, its art, its natural richness, its people, its food, its festivities or any other subject related to this wonderful country named Mexico.

What do you remember about México? What have your parents or grandparents told you about our beloved and beautiful country? How do you perceive the colors, the taste, the smell of México? What do they think about Mexico in the country where you live? Please tell us all about it in your drawing! Dare to put wings to your imagination and share your fantasy with the world!

So that you can get inspired, we invite you to see the work of famous artist Jorge Marín: www.jorgemarin.com.mx and his exhibit: www.alasdelaciudad.com.mx

Please read the Contest’s  BASES :
  1. You must be between  7 and 11 years old   and love to draw.
  2.  Draw or paint with pencil, brush, crayon, watercolor or any other means on a (30x30cm /12x12 inch) poster board cardboard.
  3. Draw everything you can imagine about Alas de México  (Wings of Mexico).  Make believe Mexico has wings! This allows you to take Mexico to the country where you live.
  4. Sign your work of art and put the date on it. Also, on the other side of your drawing, write down your name, your age, your address and your home phone number, your e-mail (if you have one), the name of your school, the name of the city where you were born and also the name of the cities where your parents were born (please fill the enclosed form). All the information is important, your work of art could be eliminated if any information is lacking.
  5. Name your work of art and briefly explain what it represents.
  6. Send your drawing (either directly or through your school) to the nearest Mexican Consulate or Embassy by July 15th, 2013.
  7. A specialized children´s plastic expression jury will select the best drawings.
  8. The winners will be made public by August 23rd through the Mexican Consulates and Embassies as well as in the following web pages: IME: www.ime.gob.mx y Redes México: www.redesmexico.mx 
  9. The award will be a work of art by Mexico’s famous artist, Jorge Marín.
  10. You will also receive a package of children’s Mexican literature books.
  11. All  participants will receive a diploma and their art work may be part of an exhibit which will travel around the world even if they are not the winner.
  12. But be very careful because any drawing which is copied, traced or those where the hand of an adult may be detected, will not be considered. Also, those drawings which are unfinished or those lacking all the required information, will be disqualified.
  13. The rights to use and reproduce the drawings will be assigned to the following Mexican institution: Patronato del Fondo Especial en Apoyo al Programa para las Comunidades Mexicanas en el Extranjero, which may use them as promotion.
  14. Any explanation not included in the present document will be resolved by the Institute for Mexicans Abroad.
Contact us if you want further informations and register this contest.. Good Luck.. :D

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